Society Funding

The William Harvey Fund (WHF) can be used to reimburse any expenses associated with the activities of a medical society registered with ClinSoc. It also pays for medical students’ memberships at the Frank Lee Centre.

ClinSoc societies apply for annual funding from the WHF in July, through the submission of a bid for the next academic year. This application form is provided by the ClinSoc Treasurer. Within this application is contained the sum of the amount requested in addition to a proposed financial breakdown of the society for the coming academic year. This is the only funding ClinSoc really offers so other societies also tend to seek external sponsorship. In order to receive funding, your society must again have up-to-date records and contact details.

Societies which fail to meet the application deadline may still be able to receive limited funding using a discretionary fund allocated to the ClinSoc Treasurer. But when we say limited, we really really mean it. Don’t miss this deadline if your society is looking for money.

How do funding applications get approved?

The ClinSoc Treasurer collates the individual funding applications of all medical societies to create a single document outlining the proposed overall allocation of the WHF to medical societies for the next academic year, to be approved by the WHF Managers. Depending on the sum total of the proposed bid, individual societies may not receive all of the funding applied for, with the specific allocation of the fund provisionally decided upon by the ClinSoc Treasurer, President(s) and Sports and Societies Officer. This is then revised and finalised by the WHF managers during the WHF Manager’s Meeting in August where the Dean and Regius make the final decision.

How can I claim society expenses from the agreed WHF allocation?

Following the managers meeting and funding approval, societies are informed of their fund for the year and can begin submitting claims to be reimbursed for their activities. This is done using the WHF claim form provided by the ClinSoc Treasurer (usually provided to the individual who made the application for funding in July as well as to the sports and societies presidents facebook group and Clinsoc facebook group). 

In order for a claim to be approved, students must provide a sum in Pounds Sterling, a description of what this amount relates to in terms of society activities, an account to which this amount should be transferred to and a full receipt of their claim.

Furthermore, the WHF cannot be spent on food and drink. Students are also encouraged to seek value for money when making purchases intended to be reimbursed.

The Funding Model for ClinSoc Sports & Societies

This summary diagram briefly explains how ClinSoc’s income is used to fund sports, societies, annual events, and refreshments. 

Once again, the WHF cannot be spent on food and drink. If your society intends to hold social, networking, ents or welfare events involving food and/or drink, you will be obliged to obtain external sponsorship.

Societies funding model