Riyaad Ali
Hi everyone! I’m Riyaad and I’m a 5th year at catz! I’m interested in paediatrics, but let’s be real I’ll change my mind by my next placement. I did the panto last year (and maybe I’ll do it again this year) and enjoy acting and music. I’ve also decided I’m running the half marathon so I spend a lot of my time running veerrrryyyyy sloooowwwllllyyyyy.
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Jenny Dyson
Heyo! I’m jenny, a 6th year at Emma. Suuuuper enthusiastic about all things surgery, no time for the rest of medicine. I’m a DIE-HARD member of the clinsoc volleyball club and former medic panto co-director. And I’m always hyped to hear what’s bothering you.
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Bolin Dai
Heyyyy my name is Bolin and I’m a 6th year at Newnham. I am absolutely thrilled but also so incredibly terrified to be graduating this year… I’m manifesting an FY1 job in Addies so that I can continue to pretend that all my problems can be solved with an email to my DoS and pesto pasta. I recently did my elective in Radiation Oncology in New Zealand and have since made that my entire personality. Whenever I get bored of that particular personality, I tend to discover that I actually enjoy cooking, baking, reading and spending all my time not on placement at the ADC Theatre
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Juanita Virk
Hi I’m Juanita! I’m a 5th year at Magdalene and one of your Vice Presidents this year. My role involves looking after the Tom Sherwood common room, liaising with our sponsors and responding to any concerns/ queries that you have. I’m adamant on building a strong sense of community at the clinical school to make it a more enjoyable placement for you all. So make sure you’re following ClinSoc on Instagram (@medicsofcambridge) to stay up to date with upcoming conferences, talks, and socials. You can look forward to more free snacks and hot beverages in Sherwood from us and our sponsors!
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Daniyal Ashraf
Hi, I’m Dan – I’m a 5th year at Robinson and the other half of your VP team this year! Juanita and I are working hard with our sponsors (shout out to the MDU and MPS – they’re real ones) to make the Tom Sherwood room even better, roll out some new merch, and build on the community spirit that really is essential for surviving clinical school. When I’m not selecting snacks for Sherwood, you can find me wandering in the orthopaedics department, begging the surgeons to give me a back-street ACL reconstruction. Do message if you have any ideas/questions – we’d love to hear from you!
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Rohit Madhan Mohan
Hi, my name’s Rohit and I’m a fifth year medic. Myself and Rehan understand that medical students can face a lot of pressure and monotony during their time at clinical school and so, we would love to help you de-stress. We will be running some fun activities throughout the year however, please feel free to contact us at any point if you feel you need someone to chat to.
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Rehan Gamage
Hi, I’m Rehan, a surviving fifth year medical student, and one half of the dynamic welfare team. Faring well as future doctors is incredibly important for a long and fruitful career in medicine; We hope that during our time in this role, we can assist our fellow students with this, whilst also learning for ourselves. To manage my own welfare, I like to play cricket, consider other professions and participate in civil war reenactments with my welfare colleague.
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Sarah George
Hi! I’m Sarah, and I’m the LGBTQ+ officer for Clinsoc. I’m a fifth-year medic at Peterhouse, and my role is to be the point of contact for all things LGBTQ+ related, whether that be concerns, ideas, or initiatives you’d like to put forward. I’ll also be planning some events so watch this space! When I’m not pretending to be useful at Addie’s, I’m usually reading, playing music or dogsitting- or some combination of the three.
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Sinmi Tokede
My name is Sinmi, I am a 5th year at Trinity. I am one of the BME officers for this year. I enjoy sleep medicine, sleeping itself, sports science and cooking better than the other BME officer .
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Aroun Kalyana
Hi, I’m Aroun. I’m one of the 5th year Caius medics, and along with Sinmi, one of your BME offciers for this year. We’re here to support all medics, but particularly those from a BME background, feel supported during what is a tough course, and listened to by the Clinical School, regional hospitals and the NHS as a whole. Expect social events, free food, BME mentorship and welfare from us this year! If you’re BME and have any questions, queries or want a chat, don’t hesitate to send us a message.
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Winnie Tai
Hi everyone! I’m Winnie, a 6th-year student at Trinity Hall from Sheffield, and the first in my family to attend university. I’m proud to be ClinSoc Access Officer (and hopefully a future paediatrician!). I’ll be working alongside Cambridge Widening Access to Medicine (CamWAMS) to help clear up any misconceptions about applying to medicine, making it more accessible for students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds. My goal is also to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for all medical students.
Outside of medicine, I enjoy cooking Malaysian dishes and baking banana bread. Feel free to reach out with any ideas about access initiatives (or if you’re in need of some banana bread comfort)! 🙂
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Jie Lin Li
I am a fifth year at Murray Edwards College and I am pretty open to what I want to specialize in. For some reason though on every placement I have been on, the first patient I see has alcoholism…maybe it’s a sign? Anyways, outside of medicine I like to dance and I am the president of the Cambridge University Kpop Society (which kept me sane during preclin)!
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Kirsty Phillips
I’m Kirsty, a 5th year medic from Murray Edwards! I am one of your academic officers this year alongside the lovely Jie Lin <3
I’m really passionate about helping to continuously develop our course, so please contact me with any suggestions that you may have.

Mikail Khawaja
I’m Mikail, and I’m responsible for maintaining this website and the ClinSoc Calendar. I also sit on the clinical school e-learning committee. Feel free to get in touch if you want to get anything added to the website or if you have any ideas on how to improve MedEd.
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Sarah Guo
Hi everyone, I’m a 5th year at Murray Edwards and 1/3rd of your Ents team for this year. We’re super excited to organise some fun events throughout the year so keep an eye out for our emails! Currently, I’m interested in cardiothoracic surgery – I decided to give it a go on a whim, and somehow it stuck. Because of this, however, I have virtually no interests outside of medicine (only semi-joking). When I’m not kissing ass in Papworth, I’m probably at the gym or playing for the clin school mixed netball team (join us, no talent needed)!
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Maya Harji
Hi I’m Maya, a 5th year at Medwards, and one of your ents officers this year! I’ll be involved with organising lots of super fun events (look out for our Christmas party!!), most of which involve free food, so definitely come along. I love travelling, painting, and eating good food, and spending time with my family. Get in touch if you have any ideas for socials you’d like to see and we’ll make it happen :))
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